The definitions of most of the terms come from Mr. Keshe’s three publications: ‘The Universal Order of Creation of Matter’, ‘The Structure of Light’ and ‘The Origin of the Universe’.
Alekz Beads
Type of capacitor or multi-layer GaNS/PL battery. Read more.
Emotional Center
A ‘sphere’ around the soul, which can also be called ‘mind’. It is the transition between the soul and the body.
A magnetic field in motion, that has an intensity and strength related to other fields in a given environment.
Copper-nano-coated. It is simple copper to which are layers of nano material are added. These nano-layers are an electrical insulator and a plasma superconductor at the same time. Nano-layers turn the copper black. The nano coating process is described here.
Everything is plasma, everything in the Universe is made of fields interaction even matter. How can plasma be a state of matter if matter is just one strength of the plasma fields and not the plasma is one strength of matter?
Matter is a state that plasma, when the fields loose strength, they appear as matter, they become matter. Therefore Plasma is not a state of matter, quite the opposite, matter is a state of plasma!
Principle Star
This is the entity that was mistakenly called ‘black hole’ by conventional physics. A black hole is an astronomical entity that has such a high mass density that this mass creates a gravity that lets nothing escape that comes near its field – not even light. It is a form of silence or emptiness from which everything is born and in which everything will be resorbed at the ‘end’. The main stars, the galaxy centers are ‘made’ of Principals and Mafs.
Nano layers are an example of the main star: they are black because they absorb the whole spectrum of light.
Star Formation
Is a structure in which 4 elements are arranged in the shape of a triangular pyramid whose points are equidistant.
This formation is widely used in assemblies of multiple reactors for example. Each of the reactors is in interaction with all the others and the assembly creates a free plasma field in it’s center.
GaNS = Gas in a Nano-Solid state. GaNS is a new state of matter. The word ‘gas’ indicates that particles are not bound (as in a solid or liquid) but ‘free’ as a gas. ‘Nano’ refers to particle size (10-9) which is roughly the size of an atom; so ‘nano’ can also mean ‘monoatomic’. ‘Solid’ refers to the state of particles; they are solid, but are not physically bound as with ordinary solids. It is a new, the fourth state of matter. Gas, liquid, solid and GANS.
We need nanoparticles to create GANS. For example, if we put a nano plated copper plate and a plain zinc plate in a salt water solution, we create the necessary condition to create CO2 GANS. We have created the condition between the plates to act like a magnet that attracts the magnetic fields of carbon from the environment. The carbon manifests itself in the salt solution and combines with oxygen to create GANS CO 2.
Think of each of these little GaNS-balls as a small sun that constantly radiates energy outwards and receives energy inwards. Only one GANS has magnetic fields at a time and gravitational fields, the fields that go out and the fields that come in. Each GaNS particle contains millions and millions of fields that interact and rotate.
The GaNS production processes are described here.
It is the ensemble of all the fields created by the three components of the plasma (Principal, Transition and Matter). Gravity is the gravitational field minus the magnetic field.
Is a tendency not to change, not to do anything, not to react. This is a quality of any material component of Plasma or its effect.
Inertia is the gravitational-magnetic field of the matter state. When the fields of anything are in the strength of matter, we call it inertia.
Gravitational-magnetic fields coming from the centre of any entity of the planetary system. When the inertia interacts with these gravitational-magnetic fields, they lead to the creation of the matter state. We see, for example, the sun, because the inertia, the gravitational-magnetic field of hydrogen, interacts with the gravitational-magnetic field of the center of the sun. The shining of the stars is produced in the same way. The only reason they shine is because the gravitational-magnetic field of their centre interacts with the inertia.
We can liken the inertia to the Soul of physicality of the planet. When it is interacting with the gravitational-magnetic field from the centre of the planet, things become visible. Does that mean that the interaction between the gravitational-magnetic field from the centre of the planet with our mind/soul of the physicality (powered by our Soul) would also be able to produce materialization and visibility?
Abbreviation for magnetic fields
Principle Mafs
The magnetic fields that are emitted from the Principal; they have the strength of the Principal which is a few hundred times stronger than the magnetic fields of matter.
Transition Mafs
These are the magnetic fields that are emitted from the Transition phase; they are less strong than the Principal’s fields and stronger than those of tangible matter. They represent the transit between the forces of the principle Mafs and the matter Mafs.
In capital letters = The plasma of a magnetic field created by a dynamic entity (like the Earth) in an interaction with similar but unequal fields
Small letters = a magnetic field emitted by an entity (like a magnet) without considering it’s interactions with other fields.
Magnetic and gravitational
The fields that an entity emits are divided into ‘magnetic fields or rays’ and ‘gravitational fields or rays’. The magnetic ray comes out of the North Pole; the gravitational ray enters the plasma through the South Pole.
This is only a concept: the field which leaves the N pole is called ‘magnetic’ but below the equator it is called ‘gravitational’ because it enters the S pole. The same change occurs inside the plasma: the field that enters the S pole is called ‘gravitational’ but when it emerges again from the N pole becomes ‘magnetic’. The same occurs when a ray emitted out of the North of one entity into the South pole of another entity.
a neonym composed of the word “Magnetic” and the word “Gravitational”. Magnetic-gravitational fields result from interaction between dynamic entities (such as two plasmas or two magnets). Read more in this article.
Matter is composed of 3 parts: PM (Principal matter, formerly antimatter), TM (transition matter, formerly dark matter) and M (tangible matter).
Transition Matter
Transition matter is one of the 3 aspects of matter; it was formerly called ‘dark matter’. This is the phase in which magnetic fields are in transition between the Principal (source) and the Tangible Matter. When we think of Transition, we often refer to it as ’empty space’; but this’empty space’ represents 99.999999999996% of all what we call matter. So the space between the proton and electron, of a hydrogen atom, as the space between the Earth and the Sun, is much bigger than the celestial bodies.
On the level of living beings: the Principal corresponds to the soul, the Transition to the mind (emotional center) and the Matter to the physical body.
see ‘Emotional Centre’, it is the Transition between the soul and the body
They are tiny entities (1 billionth = 10-9 of a meter), unlike atoms within a molecular structure, that are independent and dynamic. They are independent of temperature changes or pressure changes due to their individuality. All nano- materials are mono-atomic.
Abbreviation of the term: Plasmatic-magnetic fields
One can imagine a plasma as a sphere composed of multiple layers (like an onion); these layers are arranged in a spiral. The sphere is in perpetual dynamic rotation.Every plasma is like a wound up spring. The strongest fields are at the centre of the spring. The weakest fields are in the outermost parts of the plasma.
Liquid Plasma
Liquid Plasma (LP), also called “GaNS Water” is the clear liquid on top of the sedimented GaNS.
Abbreviation for ‘Plasmatic-magnetic-fields’
The Principal is called by conventional physics ‘antimatter’. In Plasma Science it is called ‘original matter’ or ‘Principal’; it is the source of all matter. In the example of the ring magnet it is the empty centre; in the example of the egg it is the yolk; in the example of our being, it is the soul.
The transition is between the Principal and matter; it is the moving plasma magnetic field (Pmf); it is the process or the space of creation. In the example of the ring magnet, it is the space between the center and the material magnet; in the example of the egg, it is the white; in the example of our being, it is the mental/emotional center.