We do not cure diseases, but we treat conditions. The only person who can cure you is YOU! Here you will find tools that can help you treat your condition successfully.

Register of diseases & treatments

Diseases and treatments (A register of diseases and treatments proposed by the KSW of the Keshe Foundation)





Basic Plasma Tools – the big manual



Outils de Plasma de base_en




Treatment protocol

Protocol for Treating Illness (Proposed Feasible Approach to Health Independence)






Intention – the master of our life (Explanation and user manual of Intentions)





Dictionary of Diseases

Référence de Jacques Martel (le grand Dictionnaire des malaises et maladies; une bonne référence pour comprendre le rôle du mental dans la création de la maladie). Son site web est: ATMA.ca





Dynamic Meditation

Osho Dynamic Meditation. Find guidelines here. Find the music here.