Modèle de la matière
“If you want to understand the work of the Universe you have to fall in love with the Universe.” M.T.Keshe
What is Zero Point Energy?
This article reflects our understanding
Zero Point refers to the intergalactic spaces where there is no matter; these spaces have the lowest possible temperature, namely -273ºC/-460ºF. According to the laws of thermodynamics, there can be no energy in theses spaces because nothing moves here. These zero point spaces are without any matter but they are not without any magnetic fields. Actually there is no space in the Universe where there are no Magrav fields. The moment we interact with these fields and set magnetic fields in motion, energy will be released.
The simplest way to make the fields move is by applying a GaNS reactor; without motor, just two GaNS interacting; however the field needs to be of a strength similar to the one present in the zero point space.
We can also create a zero point field artificially, a field without any motion, with two reactors that come in total field balance – they visually disappear and there is no motion because there is no more interaction. However, the possibility for motion inside of the different plasmas present remains. And this potential for movement or interaction can be triggered by other fields coming in. We can, for example introduce a third reactor who disturbs the balanced, unmoving fields and voilà we have release of energy. This is what happens in some of the Magrav systems.
This new piece of knowledge teaches us as well, that we could be looking for the moving of fields and not only for visible motion to create energy, motion or matter.
The most Universal Shape
The picture on the side shows a cut of the root of an orchid. We see that all the channels inside the root have hexagonal cut. The hexagon is a geometrical form that we find in the skin, in the kidneys, in most of the organs. When we apply GaNS on the outside, we don’t alter the form, only change the dimension of these shapes because their gravitational magnetic fields change and not their positioning.
We find the same shape in the positioning of galaxies even; and we find it in graphene, fullerenes, diamonds… and of course in the positioning of the nano particles in a nano layer (only when you do the coating for a very long time).
Furthermore you notice between each band of fields a separate band of cells which are uniform in shape (A, B, C). These cells act like a filter between the two adjacent layers. They are empty of matter, because that’s where the plasma sits.
The hexagon is the universal shape appearing in the Universe where many plasmas position themselves next to each other. With hexagonal magnets, we could see the working of Plasma in the physical dimension.
Oil, protein and the Earth
From Keshe Plasma Times, january 2019
According to the current knowledge, fossile mineral oils are organic deposits from prehistoric biomass; the organic biomass residues have been transformed into oil by heat and pressure inside the earth crust.
However the still growing amount of exploitable oil fields and their different compositions attach a lot of questions to this theory.
The new Plasma Science offers a new theory of the genesis of fossil fuels which we present in this article.
We know that our GaNS productions create not only the specific GaNS-CO2 for example but also amino acids that appear after the GaNS production floating on the surface of the salt water. In the process energy in low level is also released which create the heat necessary to transform amino acids into oils. That’s why the amino acids in the GaNS production appear as a shiny, oily film floating on the water surface.
By the way it is this low level heat release that is responsible for maintaining our body heat constant around 37ºC.
If we change the set up of the GaNS production, we will get different amino acids. A lower concentration of salt in the water and thinner coils/plates will yield lighter and thinner amino acids (3); higher salt concentrations and thicker wires produce thicker and denser amino acids (1).
Our observations of the GaNS production help us find another, more realistic explanation of the genesis of mineral oil on the planet; which is in fact part of the theory of the Creation of Life on this Planet:
- the conversion of CO2 gas into CO2 GaNS releases much oxygen into the atmosphere (2); thus our atmosphere could change from acidic to oxygen
- the same conversion creates various amino acids that are the basis of life on this planet
Conventional science teaches us that the fossil mineral oil deposits within the earth’s crust constitutes a limited resource which will be depleted soon. Plasma Science, however teaches us that the increase of the CO2 levels in the atmosphere due to increased burning of fossil fuels actually enhances the process of production of mineral oil described above, thus rendering the our mineral oil reserves limitless and renewable.
Another consequence of our new understanding is the opportunity to create new quantities of amino acids and then mineral oils under controlled conditions ourselves. We have learned from the GaNS production that amino acids can be produced out of the air directly.
A third consequence is even more astounding: the GaNS production proves that the sequestering of CO2 from the air releases important quantities of oxygen into the atmosphere. So what it up to now considered a source of pollution may very soon turn out to become a benefit with the new plasma technology.
Process of generation of mineral oil
The GaNS cycle
- CO2 in the form of gas is transmuted into its GaNS state within the environment of the Earth, more precisely the salty ocean waters.
- Additional to the formation of GaNS-CO2, amino acids are formed. The latter are either absorbed on the level of living beings or
- the amino acids are absorbed into the soil, thus becoming non-biological (mineral) proteins in liquid form.
- The addition of heat and the presence of minerals transforms these proteins into mineral oils
The Nitrogen cycle
- At the same time plasmatic Nitrogen is created in the upper layers of the atmosphere by the interaction of the fields of the sun and the earth.
- This plasmatic Nitrogen is absorbed by the creation of the amino acids (C-O-H-N) which will turn into oil.
The knowledge of this process allows us to synthesize ‘natural oils’ ourselves, using water with a high salt content, coils of heavy wires and dense nano-coating (caustic soda method, using various hydroxides, like NaOH, KOH or MgOH ). With the addition of heat, we can create different oils serving our needs as food or fuel.
Modèle schématique de la structure de la matière selon M. Keshe
Le champs gravitationnels et magnétiques sont des vecteurs de champs à différentes directions.
La somme des champs gravitationnels et magnétiques sont les “magravs” – les champs magnetique-gravitationnel.
Les Pmtics, qui sont aussi appelés “Quarks”, sont des champs plasmiques-magnétiques. Les Pmtics bougent en rotation; le plus vite leur rotation, le plus haut leur force (densité du champs). Fa est la densité du champs extérieur; Fi la densité du champs intérieur (Fa≥Fi).
L’état d’aggrégat d’un matériel est le résultat directe de la densité du champs ainsi que la compacité de l’environnement.
Les Pmtics peuvent entrer en interaction. L’espace où les deux se chevauchent a la forme d’une vessie de poisson; le cercle au centre montre la zone d’interaction dynamique.
Les interactions magravs des pmtics créent des structures fractales autour d’un point infiniment petit. De ce point entrent et sortent les champs magravs. Les champs-magravs (mafs) sont séparés par des magnétosphères.
Les mafs forment des vortex d’énergie autour du point central; ceux-ci sont appelé “sepmafs” par M. Keshe (Specifically Enveloped Plasmatic Magnetic Fields).
Dans leur mouvement autour du point central, les mafs forment les différentes zones du plasma qui se différencient par leur polarité et la force de leur champs.
M. Keshe décrit la zone noyau au centre étant “le principal” ou “Anti-matière” (cercle pointillé au centre) qui a la plus grande force. La zone du milieu est appelée “Transition” ou “Matière Noire”; elle est d’une force moyenne. La zone extérieure s’appelle “Matière”, ayant la force de champs la plus faible.
Chaque champs éléementair de la matière forme une structure tétraédrique dans son intérieur ainsi qu’autour de lui. Les zones d’interactivité dynamique se trouvent dans les bordures.
Plusieurs mafs forment un réseau de mafs, aussi appelé “champs quantique”. Afin que les matières soient stable et qu’ils peuvent bouger librement à travers l’espace, ce réseau doit être constant.
Sa constance s’exprime dans des principes mathématiques comme la séquence de somme croix de la quantité Cantor: 1+1=2; 2+2=4; 4+4=8; 8+8=16 (1+6=7); 7+7=14 (1+4=5); 5+5=10 (1+0=1); 1+1=2… à l’infini. Cette séquence décrit la répartition de la polarité des pmtics à l’intérieur des plasma fractales.
Les mafs émettent continuellement des ondes magravs; cette capacité fait que les mafs peuvent envoyer est stocker des informations dans le champs quantique.
Les ondes se propagent et communiques via la résonnance et la dissonnance. La règle d’or est souvent présent dans les structures élevés des mafs.
Le plasma peut aussi fusionner; ce qui crée de la matière (sepmafs qui sont stable).