The Ultimate Wish

I give freely from my Soul to all the Souls in existence- take what you need. I am Present.”
Carolina & M. Keshe

How the wishes are fulfilled

  1. I make a wish

  2. I serve

  3. It is fulfilled

Here some hints of M. Keshe on the subject:

  • We should only ask for something that is needed. Something is needed if it is “for the good of all”.

  • If you wish to be with your mother, who is 5000 km away, you don’t need to know the route to get to the place where she is. In reality you don’t wish to get to her – you feel. You feel being in her presence, and you feel how you enjoy to be there. If you can hold the wish with power and steadiness, the material plane is bound to follow.

  • When you make a wish, pronounce the words and at the same time put your Soul into it. Talk with your mind/mouth and talk from Soul to Soul via your emotion. Then you will see how the Souls will take over to arrange the things to make the wish a reality.

  • We want to get rid of the plastic waste islands on the oceans; and we don’t want that our cleaning up creates more problems. We could work on the Soul level. We can remember that the plastic has also a Soul and then we can talk to his Soul, like we talk to the Soul of a groundhog not to eat salat in our garden: We would like, the two of us, to find another physical form for you that would satisfy your Soul and ours?

Wishes: Canada & Australia

We wish and we give unconditionally from our Soul and we are present in our wish that the Canadians, indigenous peoples and immigrants, serve their nation and the planet in the most beautiful ways as peacekeepers and as a cosmopolitan society. As true knowledge seekers and caretakers of the environment they help keeping the balance.

The name “Canada” likely comes from the Huron-Iroquois word “kanata,” meaning “village” or “settlement.”

We are Present. October 15 2019

We give unconditionally from our Soul and are present in this wish, elevating the indigenous people of Australia. We elevate the field strength of indigenous peoples of Australia in their knowledge of the environment.

Australians serve their nation and the planet in the most beautiful ways by maintaining their sovereignty. Doug October 15 2019

My wish together with all Australian citizens, is to maintain the status quo of the current peaceful laws without any alteration or amendment. This creates the peaceful protection of all citizens of Australia and neighbouring nations. Brett, August 1 2017

The name “Australia” comes from Arustaralalaya; it means sun-praying, water-travelled people.

We are Present.

How to best help Refugees?

From 1N1P1R4WP, September 24, 2019

Right now there are 65.6 M people forcibly displaced worldwide because of persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations, natural or economic disasters.

Conventionally we respond to this on the matter level: sending medicine, food and tents to the refugees. That is disaster management because we are only treating the symptoms and don’t address the causes. Besides these efforts are very slow and demand a lot of effort and they have very little effect.

The Universal Council tackles this issue on the Soul level. They gather and involve as many like minded knowledge seekers of the same language as the refugees. People of the same language act as transmitters because the mother tongue is the vehicle to communicate emotions. Together they elevate the Soul of the refugees, so that each displaced person can find her/his own solution to the situation.

The wish proposed by Dmitri reflects this very well:

(For the victims:)

We wish to give unconditionally the totality of field strengths to our families that are displaced on our blue planet Earth, thus elevating their Souls. Our wish is our command.

(For the ones who caused the situation:)

We are elevating the hyperactive children (the ones who caused the refugee problem) in totality of field strength form the Human family.

We are present.

You can read and support this and other wishes (sign with: I am present) following this link.

Wishes of the week July 16th 2019

The connection is already there between the soul of physicality (mind, emotions) and the Soul (Collective Soul). I wish my mind will be humble enough to accept the gift of love of the Soul to thrive in the presence of the Creator.

Jalal, I am present.

I wish that we treat people the way that we would like to be treated by them.

Mehmaz, I am present.

United towards Tomorrow

Last Sunday, during the Festival du Monde in St. Jerome, the children shared their wishes for Peace on prayer flags – superb, elevating! The wishes have been published on the Keshe Foundation’s Wiki site.

You can listen to aviram’s sharing by following this link.

Here are the english translations:

Feeding on hope and seeing the beauty of the world.

I would like everyone to have a friend to play with.

May God help all those who must be forced into exile; thank you Mary for being my spokesperson.

Protect all the people I know in my life; there are many of them. Amen

Everyone has the right to peace.

Peace is always the answer to everything!

That the universe brings out the best in people.

No more war in the world but peace and serenity.

A world where it is easy you live well and to grow up.

We all need peace and respect.

My wish is to give food to the poor and water. Esperanza.

Thank you for giving us food and beautiful cloths and for giving us love.

I want this world to stay alive!

I have always loved you!

I like to make sure people don’t get hit.

To live in love for the rest of my life.

Make love and not war.

May all the children of the world grow up surrounded by love.

I wish people would be good to each other. I wish peace to be in the hearts of all!

I wish everyone would choose to be happy!

I am present!

Later in the session, Carolina reminded us of M.Keshe’s saying that really one single person is enough to change the whole world… now imagine what this bunch of kids have already done!!!

Wishes of the week

I wish that anyone feel, heed and follow the direction of the soul.

Peggie, June 24, 2019, We are Present.

We work in harmony with Nature and the Universal Principle. Manawa!

( Manawa: Hawaiian for “Now is the moment of Power.”)

Diane Pearl Smith – Canada, Feb 12, 2019, Revised June 25 2019, I am Present

No matter what is happening in the Middle East, it is all for peace; for it is the wish of the Universal Council.

Mosfeq, June 25 2019, I am present

We, Humanity are Glowing in Peace

Dean June 25 2019, I am present

I wish the Mother of all Peace that arises in all souls of our Unicos be enjoyed.

Mark June 25 2019, I am present

I wish that the children re-write the history books and proudly announce that their parents courageously made the right choice at the right moment to enter the world of Peace.

Mehrnaz June 25 2019, I am present

We are open, trusting that our journey to planetary peace is the discovery of our selves, our values, our splendid co-creation for the well-being of humanity, which is never ending

Estela June 25 2019, I am present

Message to all Muslims

The original texts are here; this article reflects our understanding.

A Call for All Muslims and Islamic Countries Worldwide to Unite in Peace

Sisters and Brothers,
World peace is the goal of the Keshe Foundation and associated Councils. To this end, we wish for unification and peace for all Muslims, and for the world in general. We recognize that when one Muslim suffers war and destruction, then all Muslims suffer and all Humanity is affected. All life is sacred and needs to be cared for and allowed to exist in peace and harmony. The Keshe Foundation offers new opportunities for peace. The World Peace Treaty is one of the important instruments for achieving this purpose. It has been signed and accepted by many people and nations around the world.
Let us work together to achieve global peace for all Humanity.

17/June/2017, Keshe Foundation, Universal Council, Earth Council, Core Team

Dear Muslim sisters and brothers,my heart is open and I feel you all.
Islam has always been about love, peace, justice and beauty.
Along this path we are walking through the mystery of existence.
Islam means Peace.
Beloved sisters and brothers, when we live the word of Muhammad, Peace be upon him,
our civilization shines by our knowledge and by our tolerance.
The respect of the people, the love and peace spread across the whole of Islam
has conquered hearts on every continent.
This light grows and lives through our hearts and our acts.
We are present now as the whole Muslim World unifies in Peace.
I love when we are clear,
when we are unimpressed by materialism,
when there is not the slightest thought of revenge or destruction.
Then our Soul rises, flooded by Peace, overwhelmed by Love.
We are giving back Islam to our children.
We are proud to offer Unity in Peace to our children as a legacy for a peaceful and virtuous world.
I am present as we all in the whole Muslim World unify in Peace.
Our hearts are open,
our arms are open
and our mind is open to each of the messages,
that come like rays of the Sun from our sacred books right into our hearts.
My beloved sisters and brothers, we are the light of Islam.
Let us flow as one river, giving unconditionally to everyone, so we are no longer incomplete.

17/June/2017, With Love and Respect, Jamila, Universal Council Member for Arabic Language

Statement from KF Core Team

The main work of members of the Keshe Foundation Core Team is to give unconditionally and as much as they need from our soul to those who need. At this time, the Core Team gives from the soul to the souls of all Muslims in the world. We especially give to those souls who are suffering, and to those who cause such suffering. We wish to elevate their souls and to enlighten.
We give from our unlimited essence, and surround them with unconditional love.
The goal is Peace – and Peace there will be.

17/June/2017, Keshe Foundation Core Team

Wishes and Results

The 1N1P1R4WP platform, after creating the public platform for the wishes on their KF-wiki site, they added all the events that happened all around the world proving that the wishes have come to manifest.

Carolina repeated that the manifestation of any of these collective wishes is instantaneous – even if we can read it only a week or some days later… that’s because the media work on the matter level which is sooo slow!

We’d like also to repeat that there can be two confirmation of wishes:

  1. When we have made a wish, finishing it up with “I am present”; we will have a feeling of elation; which is actually the feeling the wish produces. Having this feeling is already the confirmation of the wish – on a non material, emotional level.
  2. Then of course we can follow our 8000 year old habit and look for the confirmation on the matter level: this one we find in the newspapers, tv and facebook.

In relation with the wishes, i remember a Buddhist compassion exercise. You can watch news on TV and facebook etc, getting absorbed into the news; giving your energy into the bad news “Oh my god did you see what happened… did you see what thy did!?”. In this way we make the bad news bigger, we vibrate with what we don’t want making it persist.

Or: we can use the bad news and elevate the Soul of all participants of the news and formulate a wish to end the bad thing and bring the good thing. In this way we focus on what we want and help to starve what we don’t want!

Wish of June 11, 2019

We, the Knowledge Seekers, are present in gratitude we give from our Soul to all those beautiful lights, because they shine no matter where they are. By their dedication to serve unconditionally, they are our beacons:

  • street workers and social workers
  • people who support animal shelter and rescue
  • people who set up orphanages and protection for children
  • Doctors without Borders
  • scientists, medical and environmental protectors of bees, insects, birds and animals
  • stewards of the land and growers, who are saving seeds and plants, trees and other vegetation
  • supporters of the missing and murdered women and children of the world
  • early warning scientist and disaster relief personnel
  • palliative care workers
  • immigrant rescue boat operators
  • silent guardian workers of the world
  • teachers and educational teams
  • volunteers
  • farmers
  • historians and preservers of our memory
  • nurses and care givers
  • artists
  • moms and dads
  • activists of non-profits

June 11, 2019

We are all present!

Wishes of this week, Mai,28 2019

I wish that the mothers, fathers, children and creatures of the blue planet Earth with their souls unite as one family in peace to join with our new family in the Universal Community, so that we can show Humanity’s true grace with honour and love in the presence of the beauty of our universal family to shine as one.

Dean Butler, 28 Mai 2019
I am present


We are present that humanity and all life-forms on Planet Earth are shining as one, uniting in the beauty of our universal family peacefully expressing the Soul’s true grace, honour and love.

28 Mai 2019
We are present


We as knowledge seekers are present, elevating the Souls of all people in all nations towards world peace.

28 Mai 2019
We are present



We/I as citizen(s) of the Earth from this moment on accept to lay down all tools of aggression and war, we/I shall never think about getting involved or incite war or develop or use any tools of war on this planet or in space, and to this we/I all agree and swear with our/my (Delete as appropriate) Nation, territory, council, religion, city, town, body(s) and soul(s).”

Name ……We All……………………………

Signature ……………We are present……

Date …………28 Mai 2019…………………

On behalf of the ……Humanity…………

After signing this treaty, be proud to display this certificate wherever you consider being important to you that everyone can see and know your ethos to fellow men and the mankind and other created beauties of creator.

By the way you can print Peace Treaties in your language and leave it where ever you go: hotel launches, airport waiting rooms, at doctors, schools, cinemas…

Wish of Mai 7, 2019

We, Humanity, conduct ourselves through consciousness,

with conscience, in a peaceful manner.

(Consciousness is defined as ‘being aware of and responding to one’s surroundings; being awake’; and Conscience is defined as ‘an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behaviour’)

We are present. May 7 2019

Our Collective wish for the Keshe Foundation

I wish the Knowledge Seeker’s to direct their gifts, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, donations and beauties back to the ethos of the Keshe Foundation where it all originated from. Bless you all. Caroline, UC member Dutch language

I wish that Knowledge seekers return, confirming to the ethos of the Foundation, what they have learned or gained, through teaching, setting up labs, and donating. Peggie

My wish is that through the journey of the Soul all embrace the unification of plasma knowledge, applications, soul wisdom within the ethos of the Foundation. All souls pool together their intention for expansion and support through teaching, manufacturing, selling, donating with abundance. That giving and receiving shall have no limits. Being free but unified by love for the unlimited field of plasma creation. Estella

Feel your beauty. Give your happiness to others. Be in Gratitude. The greatest gift is your presence. Ursula

I give from my soul to elevate the souls of all Keshe Foundation Knowledge seekers, teachers and founders for them to elevate all other souls across the world – and my wish is my command. Gatua

I give from my soul to all that need it (including myself) without condition and as much as they need, to they can elevate their mind to the level of their soul so they can find their own way to support the Keshe Foundation in our global quest for Peace in all the worlds.
aviram, Plasma-Laurentides