The Human Condition

7 years ago

We are not alone We can compare the physical Man to pawns on a chess board and the Soul is…

Contemporary Quotes

7 years ago

Your Enlightenment is your passage to the Universal Community. M.Keshe How to change society By Osho For five thousand years,…

Plasma Activist

7 years ago

Help through these difficult times From Christina von Dreien's newsletter of December 13, 2021. You can subscribe by following this…

The Hidden Words

8 years ago

A work consisting of short passages revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in Persian and Arabic in 1857/58 during His exile in Baghdad,…

Création de la vie

8 years ago

Our Origins, where did we come from? The time before we arrived Planet Earth originated on the periphery of the…

Space Shuttle1

8 years ago

Zero-time transportation Zero time transportation, up to now was more of a fiction than a reality. But these explanations of…

Creation of Matter

8 years ago

The creation of matter corresponds to our ability to manipulate and contain neutrons. These are energy packages that can collapse…

Introduction Theory

8 years ago

Leaving the matter state From the KSW118 @ 2002:32:26 Production of GaNS-CO2 With the normal setup you produce a certain…

Introduction pratique

8 years ago

Is GaNS ‘Informed Water’? Post by Carolina In a simple word , the expressions informed water or structured water have…

Introduction Champs Morphogénétiques

8 years ago

Video introduction of morphogenetic fields Les concepts avancés par M. Keshe sur le plasma ont beaucoup de liens en…