
6 years ago

Education and Teaching Rick was asking the question, that we are all encouraged to spread the teachings of M Keshe;…

Our Future World

7 years ago

How to relate to animals We are directly connected to animals because both them and us are part of the…

You are about to create your reality

7 years ago

The Healing Temple From “The Life and Teachings of the Masters from the Far East” (A parable illustrating the high…

Constitution of the Earth Council

7 years ago

Universal Council The main task for the members of the UC is not governing but counselling. So they will be…

Plasma Dictionary

7 years ago

The definitions of most of the terms come from Mr. Keshe's three publications: 'The Universal Order of Creation of Matter',…

(Français) Géobiologie Plasmique

7 years ago

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.

The blinders of ignorance

7 years ago

For the moment only available in french ;)

The soul

7 years ago

Seeing Souls From KSW300@01:26:38 When you go into the UEU, you will realize that you are naked, naked in front…

Transmutation of the self

7 years ago

Enlightenment equation How we (blindly) see it: 100% of the energy we need comes from material food (=killing) What’s going…

The Co-creation

7 years ago

We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls…